Interview with author Ashley M. Hardy

Q1. Hello, can you please introduce yourself? Readers would love to know more about you.

1.) I’m Ashley M. Hardy from Western New York, also known as the Greater Niagara region.

Q2. What were the key challenges you faced while writing your book “Scandalous Hoe Fiction”?

2.) The biggest challenge for me with writing this story was how much of each incident I wanted to reveal. I didn’t use real names of course, I wanted to bring awareness to how abuse is perpetrated against women by women. I felt that this is something that is never discussed and that doesn’t make sense to me. I have witnessed much of what I describe in the book and I have heard stories long after things happened. The truth behind what I heard and was within ear shot disturbed me, I didn’t want to stay silent. There’s a lot of discord amongst different intersections of life paths, and judgment is rampant. I’m also a daydreamer, you may be able to recall that from the writing.

Q3. What books or authors have most influenced your own writing?

3.) I’ve gathered inspiration from all over, but thinking back to certain writings that stirred my interest can be summed up with socio-political works that focus on liberation, societal structure and political intrigue. Toni Morrison and Richard Wright, John Grisham and Vince Flynn among others.

Q4. What’s your favourite spot to visit in your own country? And what makes it so special to you?

4.) My favorite place is Philadelphia, Mississippi which is the hometown of my family. Whenever I get the chance to visit it is peaceful, and people are very friendly. A small town situated on the eastern border close to the Alabama line, it has no light pollution, The stars are visible and the sky is illuminated by a bright moon. The air smells clean and traffic is minimal, there is much space to roam or relax.

Q5. What inspired you to write the book ‘Hoe Fiction II’?

5.) Hoe Fiction II. I call it “Rage and Rhythm” since there are different stories of close interpersonal relationships tested and others who struggle in various aspects of life. Whether it be their orientation, preference, a drug habit or any other addiction, I wanted to depict that in different stories in the book.

Q6. How long did it take you to write your book ‘Hoe Fiction III: The Saga Continues…’?

6.) The third installment of the “Hoe Fiction” series was written in a short time, because there’s a lot of musings in it, mixed with the continuation of previous stories. It took about six months to write.

Q7. On what platforms can readers buy your books?

7.) I am on Amazon.

Q8. Tell us about the process of coming up with the book cover and the title ‘Scandalous Hoe Fiction’?

8.) I wanted the cover to stand out, while keeping it tasteful. I searched for days to find an image that was suitable and sexy.

Q9. When writing a book how do you keep things fresh, for both your readers and also yourself?

9.) I use comedy as my boon to keep my readers engaged. I think that humor brings down some of the realness of certain situations, so I’ll write conversations that are crazy and place characters in a hilarious circumstance to put a break in between emotionally intense parts of the story.

Q10. What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given about writing?

10.) Keep at it. The story tends to build itself in a particular way when I jot things down and come back for them later. I find sticky notes to be most helpful because I can put them in places that will always stand out, like the fridge, my laptop or TV stand.

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